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Hello everyone.

Sorry for taking so long to post. Last week my Cintiq tablet passed away. I had to replace it and luckily it didn't take too long. But the installation and readjustment to the new equipment has taken me a while.

But we are back to work.

Now let's get back to what we're interested in. What's going on with Wendolin.

In the last vote he managed to escape from the security guard. Now that she is "more or less dressed" she has a chance to escape.

Choose the last piece of clothing that will help you escape (or not).

good luck to all of you.



Edo Nova

La caja, LA CAJA!!


OMG the Box is so tempting


Its probably the rain coat, as it covers her nearly all the way. Unless Wendolins chest is too big, but that mystery box might mess up everything


Calling rain coat

Imperial Pixe

Ah, I understand my friends. We cannot resist the allure of the mystery box.


Has hecho uno dE striptease normal de wendolin?🐤🐤


Damn, was hoping at least one of the active games would end up with heels somewhere down the line. Oh well, best I can do is cross my fingers for another one to pop up someday.