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Finally finished the first page of my new comic Chair Reaction. The first page is always the most difficult to work. It's when I decide that palette'll use the rest of the comic, backgrounds, font and atmosphere. I always do a lot of color tests until I find the most appropriate to the story, so I usually entertain more than necessary. Now that I have and all the well-defined project is only a matter of drawing myself without having to think about anything. Although I must say that this summer has been especially hot and that does not help productivity. I'm looking forward to cold and back to work quietly at home.I hope you enjoy this first page.Thanks for your support.




Chain Reaction, have a nice ring, looking good and seeing Wendolin and gang in action is a great thing. Not let the heat beat you, thanks the girls looks great and the drinks pretty tasty


So should we be expecting a four way starring the three and some lucky guy or a full on orgy/gang bang?


I hope i can finally see some Auri action. Cause if honest, i've been dying to see it.