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Hi guys, I know I have been a bit missing the month of December, but I have had a really hard time working these days. Surely no one here will know because I have not told anyone, but I am a father. I have a 3 year old girl who is a lot of work (ಥ⌣ಥ).
The thing is, I have to organize my work time with school and other responsibilities, but every time a new covid positive comes up in her class she gets confined for 10 days where I have to take care of her. This has caused me to have to complicate my life a lot and have to work late into the night to make up for lost time.


That doesn't take away from the fact that I'm crazy and what was originally going to be a small project has turned into a 30-page comic book.

I have dedicated myself body and soul to the dragon ball comic I had in process. I have dedicated these days to draw in pencil all the pages and except for some final details I almost have it finished. Once it's finished, I'll have to work on the ink and color. The ink will be fast, I can ink several pages a day, the color is another matter. But I hope to be able to work at a good pace with this comic. 

I hope you will be patient with me and don't worry if the work pace slows down a little, I promise to compensate you.

All and all I still have some publication left for this month. I hope you have a good end of the year and enjoy the holidays.

Best regards and thanks for your support.





Looks awesome, if you find your muse go for it, is a pretty fun comic after all


No se preocupe y trabaje a su ritmo. Comprendemos su situación, el comic luce genial en especial la parte de Bulma para mi.

Sam Snyder

Take your time dude personal life comes first for everyone especially artists like yourself. I hope you and your daughter are OK during these hard times god bless you! :D

Imperial Pixe

Oh, unexpected 30 page project. I've enjoyed it so far.