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 Hey everyone

As you may have noticed, I have dedicated myself in creating my very own stories, with my characters. Making parodies from famous cartoons is fun, but it’s not something I want to do for the rest of my life.

Since I want all my ideas to come to life, I decided to create a bigger and longer story than the ones you know. For this I created this prologue, which will bring a new story, one that I’ll be posting in my Patreon once the pages are done.


I plan on drawing 3 or 4 pages a month, in which i will depict the adventures of Wendolin and Friends throughout Vise City. This doesn’t mean ill abandon my current projects. Sexy Sleep walking will continue until i finish this chapter, and I’ll keep making the next chapters but in a slower pace. Sluts Night out will also continue.


Neither the monthly poll nor the gifts will disappear. I plan on working as hard as always and try to get much more for you. And that will be my very own universe.

Something that can be for both of us. I’m aware lots of you know me for the Simpsons and that is the main idea in why you support me. And i know you wouldn’t like me to stop creating content from America’s most popular Family.

Let me tell you, this was never my intention. I’m just slowing down the creation of

parodies. So I would like to know your opinions on all this, about creating new

stories with Wen and her friends. I could even use some of your ideas for future comics.


I hope you like my proposal, and the comic I left you up top.

Thanks for your support.

This is all thanks to you.




Wow, pretty cool one, a nice prologue indeed and shows Nahia character in a pretty cool way. I am here for the ride so looking forward more Vise City. Just curious about if you will go all Sin City or is just this one.


i like the vise city idea of yours and if there will be WENDOLIN the hottest OC i have ever seen than i agree with you !!! but i love simpsons so i am happy you won't stop drawing them, you are the best artist i know that draws simpsons better than they look in the cartoons. so if we have to wait a bit more to see simpsons i dont mind as long as you keep on drawing them. :) ps these comic pages of vise city who can they watch them? the patreons with 5 dls up or 10 dls up?


I really like this idea of vise city adventures since i much prefer your oc's to the simpsons so i say this is a good direction to go in.


What a great way to introduce the new character and I can't wait for more, I just can't get enough of your drawing style. especially the way you draw your female characters, keep up the great work.


I'm glad you like it. I hope soon to finish the color of the page to start working on future stories.


I have not decided the requirements of the new comic. As you start working on it I will notify.