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 I know that last month I  did not publish anything about Chain Reaction, but as many of you know,  Halloween is my favorite holiday and I could not avoid dedicating lots  of drawings. But quiet, between jobs Halloween I have also been working on the following pages of my comic Chain Reaction. I have drawn up to page 24 and I have inked most of them. For this month I plan to publish some new pages. I  also have in mind to finish the comic that I left parked Slut Night  Out, which already finished the ink of all the pages and I just need to  finish the color. The truth is that I am fast with color, but it always gives me more lazy to do. But rest assured, this month I am very motivated to work and I plan to publish everything I can.
I hope you like this page. Greetings and thanks for your support.
P.S. Do not listen to the "TO BE CONTINUED...". It's just that I was amused to leave it at a very critical moment. 




Awesome, great job breaking it heroine ^^


I love every bit of Wendolin's body you displayed here. She's so gorgeous and funny. I really love the clumsy way of her you put her in time after time