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Hey guys. I don’t know how summer is treating you in any other country, but here in Spain we’re literally living in Hell, with temperatures of 33/34°C (91°F approximately), with the possibility of going up to 40°C (104°F) in August.

More or less, during this time of the year, my body pleads for some rest, but this year is gonna be quite difficult to get. Because of some circumstances (not that critical but still), I was forced to move out of my current apartment to a new one during the month of August.

But don’t worry about it, I’m moving to an apartment with much more space in it, completely new, and with a pretty good location around the central part of the city. The rough part is that with all the cleaning, moving and all that… it’s gonna be difficult for me to stay in touch, so I might be absent during this month. To make it even tougher, all this got mixed up with a trip to Ireland I had planned during those days. I’ve got a huge amount of work to do these days…

And keep calm; there will be no absence of new content. I’ve been working extra hours to get enough new material for you to see in my Patreon account, and why not, some extra pics I had saved for a moment like this. I will try my best to keep things going as if nothing had happened. But this is just a “warning”, so to say… that I might or not be around during the next few weeks.

I hope this won’t cause any inconvenience. 

And I wish you all a happy vacation time (for those of you who have vacations.)




Don't worry about your supporters. We'll be waiting for you. Take care of yourself first, but do not forget us ;)


Hope things get better for you man. I will be praying for ya. Besides, don't worry about us. Worry about yourself first. We will be waiting.


Have lots of fun, we must make a party once you are at the new Kogeicave


Enjoy the travel, it is a lot cooler in Ireland I will bet. And best wishes for a successful move into the new apartment. Take care of yourself first as the others have said, we're patient and know when you return we will get our reward.