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 Ok. Here are your requests. Vote!

2) is about orc from this doodle 

16) Oranis's OC Casimira  

The number of poll options  is limited, so I had to combine some similar points. 


Ayvuir Gaol

Oh dang. That's a lot of fun choices.




I've gots to go Raven

Ayvuir Gaol

Surprised the Silk one is slightly leading

The Silver Socialist

Besides miss Martian who counts as a new Teen Super Lady? None of female Teen Titans I can think of our new. all the Teenage sidekicks I can think of either aren't new or aren't female. who are we talking about here.


While I'm sure it won't actually win, I'm very pleased to see Nadia getting some good votes so far.

The Silver Socialist

I told you other people were interested. If it makes you feel any better none of my suggestions have come close to winning yet.

Ayvuir Gaol

Seems Batwoman won't get to play with some teenage girls this time around.

The Silver Socialist

I would have voted for it if it didn't specifically say TEENAGE girls. BatWoman is not a pedophile. BatWoman is supposed to fight that kind of abhorrent crime. 😤