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Wardancer and Witch from the 4th edition. 




Is it supposed to look like something else?


)) Clearly wrong priorities

Krutslik Spitepaw

Khaine? A real Warrior worships Khorne !


It's extremely similar to the mark of Khorne, one of the (more) evil gods of the setting and generally a very big enemy of the Elves and everyone else.


А почему тэг 40к? Это же ФБ


It's the mark of Khorne. The joke is that Khaine and Khorne are separate gods, but they also have very similar portfolios, both being gods of war, bloodshed, and murder. There are differences between the two, and they are actually different beings, but the similarities are a constant source of humor in the fandom. She's not helping matters by wearing brass, since that's Khorne's favored metal, while Khaine prefers iron.

Super Vader

Yes. The wood elf wardancer is back

Jane Warral

4th Edition Dark Elves Army Book in WHFB had a Witch Elf on cover with Khorne rune. Dark Elves do not worship Khorne, but Khaine (two different, but similar Gods).