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Not a good moment.



Jariah Synn

I mean, when you got to Fakka Fakka *you* got to Fakka Fakka

Paulus Domitius

For some reasons, it is a form of exploration 🙄

Richard Reynolds

It’s fine, longears has things under control~

Brandon. A

The gold was not the treasure that the he wished for. <3

Super Vader

Eugene should really learn timing. What are the creature attacking them? Kobolds?


Это просто прекрасно! :)

The Silver Socialist

The princess is fighting with them. That's an interesting development.

Jay Aury

Good to see everyone in this party has their priorities straight.

The Silver Socialist

Are you going to make the Grandfather Frost ands Snow maiden pin up this year?

William Avalon

Yes! And plot wise Elora's expression says it all! "Hey you two, have I got to deal with this all on my own ...???" Again, super art work.