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Olga and Jennifer from I.Nikolaev's "EpidSquad" 

There is also an english fan translation. 

BTW, there is a cameo of Dimetrius in that novel)




My thoughts exactly

Nicholas Kratzer

Very sweet! I love the look of the Mechanicus person. It's so rare to see one that mechanical still have such a human shape. I would love to see more of them.


Quite cute and sensual moment! I love this particular contrast of the two girls in the picture.


I wonder what it would be like to hug a tech priest(ess?) like that? I mean yeah it'd be rather hard from all the metal, but at the same time kinda warm since the vital fleshy bits won't survive if it gets too cold.


Obeying an impulse, Olga came up and hugged her, resting her face on her shoulder. "Thank you." A moment later, the tech-priest Wakrufmann also gently wrapped her firm arms around the girl. The warmth rising from somewhere inside literally demanded to freeze, and not to move, to stretch the seconds of this feeling of absolute security... "Hugging," Jennifer reported. "The anti-stress influence." "Uh-huh," Olga muttered. She wanted to close her eyes and hang onto the iron woman. "Warm..." "Forty-one degrees. I use the output of the cooling system on the outside of the body."