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I am a slav, so I don't understand anything about Western agendas. Remember this if the picture offends someone. But Brie Larson's reaction to the dismissal of Gina Carano seemed to me rather hypocritical.




You forgot the "ho-ho" at the end of Mickey's sentence 😊

Clem Barbarossa

I mean, to hell with Disney, but what's wrong with Brie Larson?


I really don't care about Star Wars.


Wow this is old fucking news lol.


She's a very mean-spirited feminist from last I heard

Pious Erika

Gina had started actively being a jerk to her other actors on set, so that is why she was let go.

Richard Reynolds

The three of them can all screw off, tbh.


Uh, Gina got booted for being an Alt-Right Transphobe who was terrible to work with. But if you want to die on that hill, go ahead.

Walter L.

I'm liberal myself, but I had the type of liberal Brie Larson is. They think freedom of speech only extends to people who share their own agenda, and everybody else should be cancelled. That those people don't even see the hypocrisy of that stance is frightening to me.

Kevin Wright

While I'm not a fan of cancel culture particularly, it's important to remember that it's "freedom of speech", meaning the government can't imprison you for what you say, not "I can say anything and not face any consequences whatsoever." Employers are free to censure employees who don't stay on-brand. That said, Disney canning someone for being racist is LOL.

Walter L.

I don't agree to such a narrow definition of freedom of speech., because while that is how freedom of speech is defined between a government and a citizen, there's more to it than that. Whether it's a government, a company or an interest group, freedom of speech is threatened whenever someone is silenced. Take one example from the second Gulf War, back then the Bush administration didn't want certain things to be written about in the press, and while they couldn't enforce it, due to that being government censorship, they still managed to get most media conglomerates to agree with it and thus the journalists and reporters who wanted to bring those topics to light were silenced. Does it really matter whether that happened due to direct government interference or due to self-censorship to play nice with the government? For me at least, the answer is no. If someone is supposed to speak at a university, but students protest against it and the university disinvites the person and cancels the event, for me that is infringing on that person's right to express oneself freely, even though it is basically due to a group of regular people and not a government. That's why all these morons looking to find offence in what celebrities say or do and then cancelling them, are just as much of oppressors and censors to me, as tyrannical governments are. And it doesn't matter whether I think what the celeb says or does is wrong.

Brandon. A

Many in the west are just sick of this kind of thing. Disney throwing its weight around being one of them.


Aah politics, cant even escape know-it-all jackasses with a crap opinion in smut ;P


Every action has an opposite reaction, even words. While I do agree to some extent with what you've said; I don't think that means someone should get off scott-free when they same something that is harmful to others. And I do believe businesses have a right to protect themselves when someone says something they as a business don't agree with. There are consequences for every action we take, I agree that most times cancel culture goes too far. And I agree that people should be able to think and say what they want, but that doesn't mean they should be free of consequence. If it were a situation where they person had said something years ago, then I would agree that they shouldn't be fired or "cancelled" because society and people change, but as I understand that wasn't the case here(please correct me if I'm wrong).


As one good man said: "I have nothing against the freedom of speech. I just hate the people, who don't want to hold responsibility for their words."

The Silver Socialist

That doesn't hold much water in a Late Stage Capitalist society. All the industries involves are either monopolies or oligopolies. They have the ability to destroy people's livelihoods even if they don't work in their industry or in politics or even. A convicted inmate in a federal prison is entitled to food and shelter. Somebody living on the street because they were canceled doesn't even have that.

The Silver Socialist

Did you know that despite Brie Larson and the top brass at Disney taking firm stances against the sexualization of female characters The gave her a body double in Captain Marvel? Disney didn't think her ass looked good enough on camera so they hired someone to stand in for her when in scenes where her back is to the camera.

The Silver Socialist

The next Captain Marvel movie is going to bring in multiple "Marvels" to compensate for how unpopular Brie Larson and her version of Carrol Danvers is.

The Silver Socialist

It would have been more true to life if you had Mickey refuse her and insist on having her body double do it.

The Silver Socialist

That just plain false. She was let go because of something she forwarded on Instagram. She didn't even write the post herself she did whatever the equivalent of a retweet is on Instagram.


Yeah, the hypocrisy... but I laugh about Captain Marvel because her time will be up in MCU. XD


Unrelated but I really love your take on Captain Marvel and Cara Dune. Would love to see more of those two babes from you!


I'm Western Agenda, and I don't understand Mickey either...