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The eldar handed over Demetrius to the imperial guard a week later.

Let me know if there're mistakes in the tex




Will we see a sequel to Dark Eldar Dazaraes (who was trying to catch Dimetrius) that crossed his path with three Banshees?

Paulus Domitius

"My dear friend Sister, I have found something belonging to you. May I keep it for a while?"🤣 (If something survive Mrs. Ogrynn🤣😂🤣)

Michael Lopez

Please tell me we get to see that tall woman fuck the shit outta him

Paulus Domitius

Imho, this time our hero is really in danger. That isn't a normal big girl or a Catachan one, she is a female Ogrynn! Check her loin armour.


I am curious as to how the Emperor's Light from Dimetrius will affect the mutation of an Ogrynn. Evolve her into a pseudo-Space Marine? Make her smarter? We saw how plentiful amounts of light turned a Sister of Battle into a pseudo-Saint. These are all questions we should answer... WITH SCIENCE!.. also sex. Lots of sex.


She is a super cutie!

Clem Barbarossa

Ah Sobolova's back! Probably the only Girl here not interested in Dimetrius "holyness"... Probably ;)


If she's on top there is a definite threat of death by snu-snu (via crushed pelvis).


Диметриус настоящий мужик, которого не испутать каким то жалким СНУ-СНУ. И покрупнее трахал... Иврейн , Бистменша, примарх Сангвиний...


Time for snu-snu

Brandon. A

It's nice and warm to see Demetrius back with his first group. :)

Delicious Dee

Should be either "I'm going to get in contact with the Sororitas." Or just "I'm going to contact the Sororitas." Everything else is flawless.




Hegg, apparently, definitely to the liking of Demetrius) I think they will get along well with each other.

Super Vader

I am suprised that Eldar let him go.