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Some goblins^^




I love it

Brandon. A

Wow! This is so very detailed! Fantastic work. :)

Jay Aury

Loving that Maleficent look of the goblin queen.


I would love to go down down to that Goblin Town

Super Vader

I would love to see more of the Goblin Queen


The Queen looks great, I hope she deals out some personal punishment to their captive!


Ладно , я уже и не вижу смысла описывать то как я рад видеть твою новую работу , тем более нет и смысла в пустом нахвалевании. Вышло просто ахуено я и другого слова подобрать не могу просто ахуеено ну а вообще буду надеяться на фемдом с гоблиншами и белобрысым


Another incredible masterpiece! The goblin queen herself, sitting on the throne, immediately attracts attention, despite the fact that she is wearing a black outfit. She looks very extravagant!

Kevin Wright

Oh, wow, thanks for including the lineart on this one. Neat to see all the detail a little more clearly.


"He did what to you? How many times?" *Queen proceeds to have him do all of that to her.*