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2) " Ork character Posh Git the amazing spy seducing some naked Eldar, Tau and humie girls who cant seem to work out hes not Human. Probably because he told them "IM A HUMIE. WAAAAARGHHHH!"  https://www.dropbox.com/s/qqv41zm0i0qskwf/amazingkommando.jpg?dl=0  The Ultimate Ork spy, Men want to be him, Woman want to be WITH him! He just doesnt know what all the fuss is about. "

6) https://sta.sh/02ak9mr1goer

12) https://sta.sh/21lvqygzybln?

13) https://sta.sh/0238vd85pf4g



more of Sororitas

Mark Temple

would love to see some more Tau in these comics.


Posh Git: The ultimate gentleman spy! Immigration officer: "Say Im pretty sure thats an Ork....." Commander: "See now i thought that at first, but then he told me hers a dirty stinking humie. Its all about listening." Immigration Officer: "Well ok then i guess....: Commander: "Besides If it is the Ork i think it is we want too be good too him, a bad review on his travel blog would be bad, the Emperor and other galactic leaders follow it plus the last world that tried too stop him was totally destroyed......" Immigration Officer: "By Orks? Tends to happen after a scout lands." Commander: "No worse..... The planets female population rose up in anger that they tried to harm the Universes greatest lover." Immigration officer: "But its said Orks cant...." Commander: "Its just one of the universes greatest mysteries that as men, we could never hope to understand."