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How mandalorian must look like.



Michael Lopez

I lost brain cells reading those

Michael Lopez

Lol it’s all good I just find it dumb how all those people got mad for something so small


Gotta love bottom left corner tweet. "1/10 bruh, won't even recommend to my granny cuz no wumen". And an actual point in the end, almost as an afterthought




Here's a scary thought mandalorian armor depending on the family and person maintaining it can range from looking like a brick to a femme fatale


Those tweets are the reason why I crave for a Exterminatus on humanity.


I'm all for female representation but but those complaints seem very weird since I consider Star Wars to be a franchise that has a lot of that already. Especially considering the new movies that have all been female lead except for that one bad Han Solo prequel that noone likes. I could see this complaint be valid in some other franchises but not Star Wars.


Awesome Work 👍👏😇😃😚😆🤗😄😉😀😸

Reier Gotter

This is why Twitter is trash

Sven M.

And I thought stuff on YouTube could be stupid. But this makes me think the astroid to end humanity should come sooner than later. But thanks for the reminder why I do not use twitter much^^

Benji Fox

Gotta love how these degenerate sewer creatures are the people Disney is aiming to please.


Wow, I really had a brain explosion from reading this. Well then, it was curious ... Thanks


Imagine being so privlaged and comfortable that the only thing in the world to crusade against is not enough female characters in your sci fi entertainment.