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Little more feminism in you favourite 40k: " Iybraesil is structured around a largely matriarchal Craftworld society, fostering many Howling Banshees shrines and female Autarchs. Craftworld Iybraesil includes more female warriors within its ranks than any other."^^



Clem Barbarossa

The comments on the link you posted are out of this world. Those man-children yelling "fEMinIsM" - as if it was a bad thing - each time they see women really need to get a life.


How is this even feminism, I am confused! But I like it!


Pfff. Is that guy for real? 🤣 What a dink. Funniest part is he has to be a Patron to actually see the posts.

Jay Aury

Nice Slav squat.


Great picture! Slav squat all the way


they should have the Adid(h)ash logo as their craftworld symbol


My Imperial Credits are on these Eldar buying a great deal of Mon-Krell clothes from the Imperial Forge world of Adidas