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Important explanation for orc-chan's lore. Read from left to right.

Sorry for my worst english. Let me know about mistakes in the text.

(Attached uncens version)




Ooh, very nice! I like what you did here!

That black guy

Weird monogender genophage, I can dig it


So according to that lore there cannot be futa or trap orcs? Damn Alliance!!!


Some would consider this just an excuse for one's strong girl fetish, but I actually think its a legit cool idea.


Why you need trap orc, if there're elves? And for futa there's a magic of transmutation, but it's not my fetish anyway.

The Silver Socialist

This is a very interesting idea but I have to wonder how this would be sustainable. Wouldn't the orc bloodline become more and more deluded with each passing generation until they basically just became the distant ancestors of future generation of regular ogres, elves, and humans?


I feel bad for the male orcs but... getting horny sexy half orcs...by all means go ahead! XD


This is the effect of an orc shamans counter-spell, which allows them to maintain a species invariance.


This is a brilliant idea.