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Just stupid strip. Artist-chan and Titans




Yeah DC and Warner Bros just need to stop


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Ayvuir Gaol

Aww crying in joy that they’ll be portrayed better than they are in TTGO

That black guy

I'll wait until we see something more than leaked set pics as the pics of Robin and Hawk and dove look pretty solid

That black guy

Or you're jumping the gun, because these pictures are random "on set" pics that may be the titans on a casual day.


Wait...this is about that Teen Titans show...WOW! Those are horrid indeed.

The Silver Socialist

The actors they chose to play them look NOTHING like the characters they're meant to portray. Look how fat the girl playing Starfire is?!

That black guy

Sliver, it's called a bad dress here's her body shape from an award show <a href="http://m.zimbio.com/photos/Anna+Diop/SCAD+Presents+aTVfest+2017+24+Legacy/WA69ygQzJFy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.zimbio.com/photos/Anna+Diop/SCAD+Presents+aTVfest+2017+24+Legacy/WA69ygQzJFy</a>


I feel you and hope there is more to this.... but cant help but look at what looks like starfire and think "they turned her into a pimp?"

That black guy

Hablion she says it was 15 degee weather so I can understand her wanting to wear a warm coat between takes.

James Schweitzer

Not going to jump the gun, yet, but what publicist let that pic get out?

Brandon. A

We all...feel the same horrible pain. T-T


oh god no, i just realized those are leaked photos from an upcoming TV series. i thought they were just bad cosplay. Really really bad cosplay