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I just got a copics  from aliexpress, and couldn't resist trying them. In the end, I began to understand the Tao of copics, but it was too late. The sketch was irrevocably spoiled.




Awww it's still very nice


ну, первый блин комом, чо! А что заказал? собственно копики или Finecolor? Даже мои скромные потуги рисовать сложили стойкое мнение, что копики несравнимо послушнее в обращении.


твой вопрос поставил меня в тупик. На самих написано "скетч маркер", каждый с широким и тонким концом.


а, так и называется? у. не, не видел таких. А два стержня делать - это сейчас вполне стандартно: и у копиков. и у файнкалар так. Копики сволочи очень дорогие, да. НО как показывает практика, рисование ими и рисование аналогами очень различаются.


а ещё ходят слухи, что для этих всех дел нужна какая-то особая бумага, и далеко не любая подходит, потому что впитывают по-разному. СЛОЖНА!!! НИПАНЯТНА!


Ruined? Hardly! For a first go with these i'd say this is pretty awesome!


Ruined? They look great.


Yes, absolutely terrible. *cough* May we see more?


называется touchnew. А правильные копики какой фирмы?


"правильные" копики называются .Too Copic например, вот <a href="https://www.ebay.com/itm/COPIC-Marker-72-Piece-Sketch-Set-B-Artist-Drawing-Markers-30th-Anniversary-NEW/232562162355?hash=item3625c8fab3:g:7C8AAOSwfMtZgNy4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ebay.com/itm/COPIC-Marker-72-Piece-Sketch-Set-B-Artist-Drawing-Markers-30th-Anniversary-NEW/232562162355?hash=item3625c8fab3:g:7C8AAOSwfMtZgNy4</a>


Not too heretical


I like it 👍

The Silver Socialist

I'd like to see a fully realized version of this. Maybe something where Batwoman is getting friendly with Powergirl's legendary sweater puppies.

Diana Greenhalgh (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:36:34 You need a specific kind of paper to use the Copics, regular paper will just soak the ink in and make it streaky. Try Copic's sketchbooks (they also sell the paper loose in their online store), EON HD smooth comic art paper (eonprod.com) or Borden &amp; Riley Paris bleedproof paper for pens (avail via dickblick.com its a good deal). I've used about 7 different types of paper with Copics, and those are the only ones I can recommend for it.
2017-11-18 22:01:48 You need a specific kind of paper to use the Copics, regular paper will just soak the ink in and make it streaky. Try Copic's sketchbooks (they also sell the paper loose in their online store), EON HD smooth comic art paper (eonprod.com) or Borden & Riley Paris bleedproof paper for pens (avail via dickblick.com its a good deal). I've used about 7 different types of paper with Copics, and those are the only ones I can recommend for it.

You need a specific kind of paper to use the Copics, regular paper will just soak the ink in and make it streaky. Try Copic's sketchbooks (they also sell the paper loose in their online store), EON HD smooth comic art paper (eonprod.com) or Borden & Riley Paris bleedproof paper for pens (avail via dickblick.com its a good deal). I've used about 7 different types of paper with Copics, and those are the only ones I can recommend for it.