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Pretty reptiloid girl from the planet Nibiru.

Just wondering, are there people in western  (or eastern)  countries  who believe in flat Earth?




Yes we do have flat earthers in the US. They are mocked for being horribly stupid.


Flat earthers vs creationist, who's more retard?


I don’t know. They look at science, they look at facts and reject them because it clashes with their worldview, and yet gobble medicine, read Facebook on their computer, and enjoy all the amenities of progress without batting an eye. I really do want to see a reality tv show where flat earthers quest to find the edge of the earth.


Well ... at least, such crazy people appeared not only in Russia. Not so offensive.


The main thing is not to fall under the stream of shit from the elephant's ass.


During a rainy day, I watched turtles play in a puddle in a blocked rain gutter. In the moment, the pipe freed itself and the water went down together with the turtles, age-old questions came to my mind: "What is beyond the horizon? Is the Universe infinite? What happens after death? Is there a god?" And as the turtles splashed into the small lake at the other end of the rainwater pipe, I told myself, "Whatever it is, it's not turtles all the way down." and went on with my day.


Well you did say "who's more retard?" so I wouldn't rule it out.

Walter L.

I honestly wonder if we have those here in Germany. Probably not. But I know there are some who follow the theory that the Earth is only a few thousand years old and not billions. Morons.


I remembered an excerpt from a novel "How The Steel Was Tempered": "Pavel took a seat at the back. The teacher, a wizened little man in a black jacket, was telling the class about the earth and the heavenly bodies, and Pavel gaped with amazement when he learned that the earth had been in existence for millions of years and that the stars too were worlds. So startled was he by what he had heard that he barely refrained from getting up and blurting out: "That isn't what the Bible says!" But he was afraid of getting into more hot water. The priest had always given Pavel full marks for Scripture. He knew almost the whole prayer book practically by heart, and the Old and New Testament as well. He knew exactly what God had created on each day of the week. Now he resolved to take the matter up with Father Vasili. At the very next lesson, before the priest had time to settle himself properly in his chair, Pavel raised his hand and, having obtained permission to speak, he got up. "Father, why does the teacher in the second grade say the earth is millions of years old, instead of what the Bible says, five thou. . . ." A hoarse cry from Father Vasili cut him short. "What did you say, you scoundrel? So that's how you learn your Scripture!" And before Pavel knew what had happened the priest had seized him by the ears and was banging his head against the wall. A few minutes later, shaken with fright and pain, he found himself outside in the corridor. "


Most people in the middle ages already knew that the earth wasn't flat, despite the stereotype that says otherwise. Of course ancient greeks made fancy experiments about that, but anybody who saw a ship sailing away could see it since the top of the ship disappears last.