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Nadezhda Henrykhovna Pym (Wasp) and her... G.I.R.L.S. 

NSFW: https://orig00.deviantart.net/06d2/f/2017/279/d/3/nadya_pym_min_by_flick_the_thief-dbpolzz.png

(everyone here is over 18 years old)



That black guy

Not really digging Nadia's usage in comics really but hey this is great. A child after her father's taste in this way.


This is the new Wasp that got cancelled? Well, at least this is a better purpose than the comics.




ну мы же за дружбу народов, несмотря на, плюс повод порисовать афротянок)


Canceled? There's ongoing series about her. But yeah, that comics is too girlish.


Yeah, The Unstoppable Wasp, I read that got cancelled or stopped.


Oh, you're right. It's too SJW for the most part of the comic audience)


The problem is they can't write a good story and characters at all at Marvel, a good chunk at Marvel needs to go. Best example right now, Batman: White Knight has SJW topics but its done right! It's subtle, not forced, shoved down your throat, make you feel guilty, or horrendous ideas.


This is so great and hot! You draw an awesome Nadia.

The Silver Socialist

This is giving me a craving for some Gang of Harley's fan art.

Ayvuir Gaol

Aww no Ying? If anyone would be in a make out session with Nadia it should be her. Loved Unstoppable Wasp.

That black guy

The idea of Hank Pym having a genius daughter who found her own institute for the development of scientific achievements by people... Cool, making it focused on a diverse cast cool... Almost everything else about that comic including the erausa of Janet's abuse of Hank and using his mental state during a psychotic break that makes him think he's a different person, instead focusing on how tortured Janet was in their relationship : UN. FOR. GIVE. ABLE

Sven M.

I liked the series too. Hope we see her and the others again.


YYYAAASSS QUEEN! Love this! Love both Nadia and Moon Girl (hint hint) ^^


Moon Girl is too cute, augh


I feel like we've gotten a lot of Hank's side of the story, I really like Janet, and I liked this comic's take on Janet. A relationship like this affects both people. Janet's feelings don't negate what Hank went through.


I liked it for the art - Elsa Charretier does wonderful things. But then they changed artists and I had no further reason to suffer through the writing. -BM