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I need more Bruce Timm and rapist Harley.

NSFW ver. https://orig11.deviantart.net/4628/f/2017/236/3/8/harl_rapist_uncens_min_by_flick_the_thief-dbl4s3k.png




People lose their shit over anything these days


I'd like to erase that movie from the canon also, but not for that scene. -BM

The Silver Socialist

Those S.J.W.s are lying assholes. Even thought Harley "twisted his arm" so to speak Nightwing gave her VERBAL CONSENT! Harley verbally asked for permission and Nighwing gave it.

The Silver Socialist

Does this mean we'll be getting more "Bruce Timm and Rapist Harley"? Maybe next time she can go after Zattana, PowerGirl or WonderWoman. I know from reading Harley's little black book that Harley is VERY interested in all three of them.




если бы я знал, что ты тоже собирался) но ты все равно рисуй, может, у тебя другие аспекты этой темы)


I guess I have nothing more to say on "Rapist Harley" <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/nightwing-and-11240758">https://www.patreon.com/posts/nightwing-and-11240758</a>


Нее, у меня ещё не скоро ручки дойдут. Завал. Ещё перегореть успею.)

Ayvuir Gaol

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of how the scene was handled.

That black guy

Bruce Timm has always been like this, he's now just got no one to say no to him , not even harley. *Leto Joker laugh*


These virtue signaling morons are the worst that you can see they belong no where near or have any credebility on anything they claim to know. Always rages me for all the reasons.


physically remove sjws!!!!