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My negative prompts had extra embeddings that were altering the characters.

Embeddings are like prompts that have been condensed, so an embedding can have like 50 or more prompts into one, so some of them can have a huge effect than others.

SOOOOO. It looks like I got back the look my cowgirl model had, at least close enough to see the resemblance.

Some cases characters wouldn't look too different.

The DDLC girls for example in cowgirl to missionary have different negative prompts, the missionary ones had like 5 EXTRA embeddings! xD

Already confirmed with Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the shell from squatting cowgirl(using the same negative prompts, and then one image I did in missionary with the extra embeddings and it was the case. When I took out the extra I ended up having the look from squatting cowgirl!

With SOOOOOOO MANY works I created it's hard to keep track with what is affecting what xD, but now I know...........................DON'T CHANGE THE NEGATIVE PROMPTS! xD


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