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UPDATE: Higher Priority may be too much, since it can cause issues for the lower tiers, if priority was being changed due to more higher tiers that pushes down the lower tiers even more. (Especially if I added even more), I will think of something to make up the extra cost, but not affect the lower tiers. Maybe this Tier can be exclusive to allow people to request LoRa models for their own use but have the same benefits as Cloud Plus.

Also the people in Access Tiers who stayed the longest and probably paid more(even if they didn't but stayed the longest) over the lifetime, their benefits could diminish and becomes pointless to keep subscribing. and would take even longer for their request to be made(not to mention when more people subscribe to existing Tiers.

I will find a way to bring my Content for all policy to also be incorporated into this.

So I have had an idea on making a new tier called Trainer Tier:

Benefits So far...

All benefits in Cloud Plus

Request for me to Train Character & Style LoRa Models for you to use freely and commercially.

    *Commercially meaning that you have every right to use it to make works and sell them like as if it's your own or do whatever else you want with them.

For now it's an idea but $15 a month is the projected price of what I aim to charge unless training and the amount of characters a month requires me to spend more.

I can put a limit on how much a month though as well since I also train for character requests and characters I want to train on as well. Like Mei Mei of JJK ;)

Theme color will be purple or a shade of it, combining the colors of Access & Cloud Tiers in one haha xD


Rule34 Diffusion

Polls do need to happen and voting, which I haven't been doing as much, The monthly theme voting will still be a thing just gotta think of how to set up the system.


Are variety sex positions available to be commonly commissioned/requested yet?

Rule34 Diffusion

Those generally won't be requestable, Just because they take a very long time to make due to how many variations there are. Do you mean if the new positions are available?