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Admittedly... I could've been faster getting this post on here, apologies to everyone who hasn't seen it yet. Better late than never I suppose 😳

Head over to discord for some variants <3

You'll have to link your Patreon and Discord accounts to gain access to the channel. Please ask me or Kerry on the discord if you have trouble.




Aww beautiful this character , I hope so much to see more content about her :3


Is there anyone else that cant get on the discord because the link is expired?


This post does not seem to appear in any section of my discord.


Are you still having trouble? Did you make sure to link discord and patreon? I don't recall if you might have contacted me over there but you might be able to resolve this much easier if you get a hold of me on discord, as I can reply much quicker.


It’s alright but no the problem is still there i tried every discord link under every post and every time it says sorry the link is expired