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Haven't done one of these in a while 😳

We decided the theme would be a mixture between lovely dark skinned ladies, and the classic pink themed ladies. Can't wait to see who wins out of the list. The poll will only be around for 3-4 days, and it's single vote so make sure you guys get your votes in, and have fun <3

Poll Banner Available Here:

Can't wait to see who you guys pick, and Happy Early Valentines Day 💖💖💖



What a stacked list!


Glad to see Bea in the lead :D


Bea is gonna win, not surprising, just kinda disapointed - there was no point making a poll since the other characters are so much more niche anyway. You can poll 100 different pics and it's either her, Dimitrescu, or some flavor of the month garbage that's gonna win. Really sad, many such cases, pepehands. Hoping for a fairer poll next time maybe.