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Just decided to post a small bonus render, in light of my recovering health for the new year. And hopefully for another foot filled, happy year with you all as well. I'll be trying to make up for the lack of content the last few months as I struggled with my health, so be on the lookout for that.

Be safe, and enjoy the holidays guys <3




omggg shes gorgeous, and her feet are amazing! Thank you, happy New Years to you as well!


Happy new year Nec and supporters^^


Happy new years,NEC!Take care of yourself,and be well!


Happy New Year, Nec! Wishing you continued improved health this year, and looking forward to the content you have in store! And thank you for the beautiful New Year's Himiko render! 😍


More than anything else please care for yourself no need to apologize for a lack of good health, get better mate‼️💖✨