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Just sharing this on here in case some people don't follow my deviantart.
Put the gif as a downloadable as well. Thanks again for the continued support you guys!

I don't think I've ever published a gif this size on Patreon before so apologies if it doesn't come in proper. If it doesn't just grab the download version.




Have you considered rendering to mp4 or webm for patreon? My guess is the only reason you're using gif is that deviantart does not support actual video formats. Anyway, I really like this animation. Thanks!


Your theory is correct, cause I usually make these animations video files. I still have the source files for the animation though, and I'd like to get around to making a video version if I ever find the time.


it would be a good idea to offer a webm download, even if it doesn't embed


Great work!


I connected my discord and patreon how do i get the animation now?