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  • Tsuyu_Animation_1.mp4



Alrighty, so I've finally got my head back on straight after some specific "recent events" that had occurred. My plan was to get discord working before my next post but I'm running into difficulties and out of time. So It's back to updating on here as usual for now.

To all of you who had patiently waited for the next update I thank you truly.

This was a great project, I'm an anime nerd myself so of course I know of this character and the show. I just hope I did her design justice to anyone who's a big fan of her.

Grab that animation below of course folks -v




You did a fantastic job of this. I adore this animation so much :)


Thank you so much for the wonderful idea, hope I get to work with you again in the future ^^


very naisu, i'm surprised how well she translated into 3D, you did great 👌


Thanks my friend, I was surprised too. I always get nervous with anime characters.


The smoothness of motion, realism, model quality, and level of detail are astounding like always! Fantastic work! :D


Thanks as always Cap, you mind if I just call you cap? lol I've seen you so many times and I never refer to you as anything.


You're welcome as always 😊 I don't mind at all! Either cap or caput is fine 😃


I really do hope more anime characters get commissioned. I'm really curious to see you work with more 2d anime characters because what you've done with Tsuyu here, she looks great.


Beautiful animation 👌 and her arches damn very sexy 👣😍


I think it will always be half game/ half anime and OC It's been that way since I started. Pretty balanced actually.


Literally another amazing animation. Your animations are always worth the wait imo. Keep up the great work!


Thank again, hopefully the final one should be done here in a couple days.