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Commissions slots are open now guys, I'll be taking the first 5 clients to message me via the Patreon message system. If you miss me I humbly apologize, and hope to get to work with you on the next wave <3 Pls for the sake of your time and mine, make sure you know the prices and what you're getting into. You can view my commission prices and what it entails here:

If I don't get you this wave, I'd love to still hear your idea if you're up to it. I'll be posting this commission message on DeviantArt in the next 24 hours. 

If you have issues using the patreon messaging system just leave a comment and I'll email you.

If the message says (closed for now) it means that currently I'm talking to 5 people. That may not mean you don't have a shot yet. I don't pencil commissioners in until they know and I know exactly what they want and the payment is made.



Wow the demand is crazy. An hour past and already the slots are full! RIP to the deviantart members if all those 5 members pull through!


Yes It's unfortunate, I wish I were more skilled so I could take on more slots. This is my limit right now and it kind of sucks.


You'll get there, don't worry. It's not just that though, the hardware upgrade you want might also help a lot too.


Oh no I was asleep 😭


Seeing the quality of your art, I think you'll face an endless stream of commissions! Finish 5, and then 20 more will come... which is good I guess? XD


Ahh sorry justin, I hope I get a chance to catch you next wave. :(


Well hopefully I get a chance to work with you someday, if you desire it that is :3


I think I'd need a 2nd mortgage if I sent you all the requests I have in mind! lol