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I took a little break from reviews so that I can take care of some Patreon duties. I've technically already started that last week with working on the upcoming Shark Tale review (coming later this month), but now my focus will be to get into the requests and commissions I've received that need to be at least prepared soon. The main thing I've done this week was going through my first batch of art commissions of the year, and was able to time that well so that I'd jump straight into the next review to make. With that said, this is what my week looks like.

- Released my review of The Tiger's Apprentice: I'm glad that Paramount helped me out with the February 2nd situation and gave me The Tiger's Apprentice early so that I could get the review done sooner and then settle with the other one during its official release. As for the movie itself, however, as much as I'm a supporter of more original animated features on the big screen...this one feels like it belongs on streaming. It's the kind of picture that feels like it wants to be like Spider-Verse, and it does some of those elements right, including some really cool action scenes, but everything else feels either forgettable or poorly structured. Even in therms of the concepts that it delivers and present this idea of the Chinese Zodiac being guardians, those are more attributed to the book it's based on, and while I can see the great potential of making an adaptation of it, this doesn't feel like it did it justice. And if someone like me who hasn't read it can notice that, then this movie screwed up bad. It's not terrible, but as a Paramount+ movie, you're not missing out on much.

- Created a couple of Art Commissions: Been a little while since I've done some of these, but with so much done in the past few months, I was able to return to my artistic side and make a couple of art commissions for some patrons. Funny enough, the challenge that came with both (one of them especially) was regarding costumes and matching their intricate designs. I did the more complex one first to have that complete with a beauty pageant-like contest for the Best Disney Queen. They commission was to have Kida win top prize, while Anna and Elsa were the runner-ups. I was also asked for Elsa to be mad that she didn't win, but I didn't want to be harsh on her, so I gave her the cutest angy face I can draw. The other is pretty cool by remaking the alternative cover of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, but with Wile E. Coyote as Batman and Calamity Coyote as Robin. It did help that Warner Bros. already made toys of Wile dressed up as Batman, so that did help with the designs so that I can put more focus on getting their poses right, along with capturing the comic book style and take a different approach with the lighting. I'm pretty happy with how these two came out and I hope they'll help make my drawing skills even sharper for this year.

- Currently working on my review of Orion and the Dark: When the art commissions were complete, I was able to get back into making videos with the other February 2nd animated streaming movie, Orion and the Dark. I wish I was able to find a way to watch this early as well, but I wasn't so lucky with this one and I had to just work around that. I know that I was quite underwhelmed with DreamWorks latest offerings last year, but based on the trailers I've seen, this one looks like it has some nice potential. And what's surprising is that the early reviews are quite in its favor, so there may be a chance that will be something special. Rather if I'll agree with that, well, that's what I'm working on right now and will have this review prepared for next week.

And that was my week of drawing and getting into the dark with my next review. Now that I've completed my art job, I'll be returning to making more videos again and now set my focus onto some special review requests. I'll be taking a look at some unique projects, but I can already see the opportunities to make some fun reviews out of them. So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Hunter O'Laughlin

Nice work on the fanart. My favorite definitely being the Wile E. and Calamity Coyote crossover with The Dark Knight Returns.

Joshua Copelan

Love the art pieces, they definitely look alot of fun.