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I may have done some filming for some videos last week, but this was more of an acting week for me. While I've kept myself busy making progress on the next big video, I've also went out for an acting gig as a nice little addition to my resume (by the way, it's for an internal corporate set of videos. Don't think these will go public). Even as you're reading this, I"m currently out to get some of the last filming done. However, I still did what I can to make sure this month's videos are ready to go.

- Released the first Animation Facts Compilation: So this is something a little bit new that I want to try out. With the TikTok/Short videos that I've recently been production, I decided, as part of my uploads, that when I accumulate enough Animation Facts, I'd put them all together in a compilation video. Just like the Shorts, they were inspired by the works of Casual Geographics, and they serve a double-purpose. The first is to put out more variety of content where I'd be able to talk more about animation trivia/history. The second is that these are very easy content to make for me and they will provide me more time to work on the bigger videos like AL: The Muppets. So, there is a win-win situation there for my situation. I don't know if this will please the YouTube Algorithms and they might reject it for not sustaining them with whatever kind of clickbaity content they want me to produce, but this is still all new what I'm doing and we'll wait and see if people are cool with the compilations.

- Editing Animation Lookback: The Muppets Part 4: While the acting job is taking priority right now, I've done the most that I can in order to bring this part to life through editing. I cannot say that the video is fully complete, but the progress is so far where I can officially say that I'm over 2/3 finished (and that's without the revisions afterwards to make sure everything works). And if you want to know a bit more regarding the video itself, this will be a little shorter than some of the previous parts, as it will be only somewhere around 30-36 minutes, but there will be plenty of info and fascinating clips to see (I was very thankful to find a treasure chest filled with The Jim Henson Hour-type content). As of right now, I should only need a few more days to to fully complete everything and have the part be ready by the end of the month.

- Working with another Sponsor for the next video: I kept putting it on the side due to me forgetting about it, but this week I knew I had to put AL: The Muppets on hold for a bit to take care of a sponsor deal that I'm doing. This will be for a VPN and it shouldn't be something that would take up too much space in the video itself. They only asked me for a 60-second plug-in and it was a quick fix to slip that one onto next week's video so that it can be ready to hit YouTube. I'll admit that I"m a little weary of this one though. You recall that my last experience with a sponsor turned out to be a complete bust (due to the strong allegations of how it's a scam) and how they want to pay me is not ideal for me (They asked me for a CPM deal instead of just cash upfront). Hopefully, this one will go better and maybe this will be the start of a new source of income for me where my content will be viewed more as sponsor-friendly for companies!

- REMINDER FOR PATRONS $50+/MONTH: This month's Discord Chat will be happening on Tuesday the 17th, and Thursday the 19th and both at 2pm EST. Let me know if you're not available for either so I'll organize a quick chat.

So that's been my whole week of what I've done where part of me wishes that I can have more time so that I can finish some businesses sooner. Also, apologies for the last of new uploads in here or of any new long-formed videos so far. Next week, I'll for sure be back with a new review so my channel can officially kick off 2023. So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!