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Talk about a major mood swing of a moment. I was having a great time celebrating my birthday with my friends and family, and almost immediately...I got sick. Specifically, I had tonsillitis again and it's a sign that I'll need to take some drastic action so that this no longer becomes a problem for me. It really sucks because it also held me back from doing more work during the week and had to hold back due to being more tired than usual or keep making sure that my throat is doing okay with the medication. As you're reading this, it is getting better and should get myself back to normal soon, but still not a fun experience to go through. Anyways, here's what else happened during the week.

- Released my review of Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: I know you technically did not get an early preview of a video this week, but that's because you already received this week's video as a birthday surprise. With that said, like I stated in the thumbnail, I love this movie. It's such a great tribute and parody of those old horror flicks and it's all around so much fun. Not to mention taking the Wallace & Gromit formula and making it work in a feature-length adventure. It's like taking the best parts of the shorts and making it bigger in here. Even if it's been a while since I've seen this one, there are still some moments I've never forgotten because they were just that hilarious. Some may say that this is a massive statements, but this really is one of the best animated features out there. Really worth watching. As for the next video, it looks like I'll be seeing something that is also beloved and looks fascinating, Tokyo Godfathers. Guess I'm going back to see another Satoshi Kon movie, so let's see how that one holds up.

- Working on Animation Lookback: The Muppets Part 3: I wish I was able to do more for the video, and I could've been a little more advanced than I am now. It was just the tonsilitis that really held me back where I had to take care of myself and rest up more than usual. However, that does not mean that I didn't do any progress to this at all. In fact, I did take some significant steps with this project. Not only is the script officially done and have my fact checkers currently looking into it, but I also got all the recordings done, both the voiceovers and filming with Puppet AniMat. I did have to wait a little bit to make sure my throat was ready to go through all of that and it was a challenge to do those long monologues with the puppet in front of the green screen, but it's shaping up well to become another solid part. All I have to do now in the coming week(s) is to edit this all up and it will be good to go. If I keep up my focus with nothing else in my way, I may be able to have this ready for the end of the month after all!

So that was quite an eventful month. Like I said, it is getting a lot better and I'm thankful that the medications did do their job well. I know now that my next steps, medically, will be to get an operation so that this will never happen again. However, that probably won't actually happen until next year. So, in the meantime, I'll have to take care of myself and ask that you all take care of yourselves too. So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Lady Tyler Bio Rodriguez

I'm glad the tonsillitis got taken care of. Its pretty miserable and you don't deserve that.

Hunter O'Laughlin

Glad you’re taking care of yourself to make sure you’re in good health. Last month I got my booster shot, so I’m taking care of myself too.

Trenton Girone

Glad you are feeling better. I’m doing what I can. I got my booster and flu shot, so I think I’ll be OK.

Joshua Copelan

I'm sorry that you got tonsillitis again Mat, and glad to hear that you are getting better. One's own health is the most important than anything.