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It can happen when I can get a little too into my work. In fact, I nearly burned myself out this week by trying to keep on progressing my videos and not give myself a break. Luckily, in the middle of it all, I did stop to have a moment to heal and managed to properly move forward while keeping myself in check. So with that said, here's what was the result of this week.

- Released my review of Scooby Doo on Zombie Island: I can't even remember the last time I've fully seen this movie. Worst case, it was probably when it first premiered on TV back in 1998. But I do recall that it was indeed a highlight in Scooby-Doo's history. Now more than 20 years later, this honestly holds up pretty well. Not the finest piece of entertainment, but as a Scooby-Doo project, this feels more like they took the concept of the show and raise the stakes to make it more engaging than the TV show, something that, debatably, did better than the live-action films and even the recent SCOOB movie. I will say that there are a few questionable things that are featured like the twist ending so unexpected that it doesn't really make sense, but I generally feel like what was built is pretty solid. The animation is nice, the suspense is good, the comedy is cute and I had a good time with it. Don't know if I can say the same with the next review, since the next will be the last of the adventures of that dang bear and deer...Open Season: Scared Silly. Will it be worse or better than what I went through with the sequels? We'll soon find out next month!

- Recorded and started Editing the next part of AL: Walt Disney Animation Studios +: Recording turned out to be quite insane this week. I was so caught up in getting these lines done, along with making revisions and making sure I could get this all set up as soon as I can to immediately jump into the editing phase with the video. However, I was so focused on that part that I completely forgot to take care of myself during like taking a break and relax for a bit. That's what I was referring to in the beginning. But again, I did stop to take care of myself for a bit and then hopped back into it, now with the recordings ready and heading starting into editing the new part. However, while making this process, looks like I'll have to make a bit of change of plans. Judging by the length of the recordings alone, Part 10 would've been too long (like about an hour) if I kept all the movies I talked about, so there's only gonna be 3 movies in the next one than 4, while the 4th one will be saved for Part 11. But then again, that'll mean next time will go a little faster thanks to already doing one future segment done. I'll still need some time editing this, but I see the light at the end where it should be ready soon and it's going to be quite a good one!

- Created a new Special Video: Originally, I had planned another AniMat Watches that I made as the same time as Trolland to be released by next week. However, due to some special circumstances, I feel like it's for the best to move that one out and put in its place something different. What next week will bring will be a unique video, but something that, for a while, I've been asked plenty of times to do. I guess recently, it sparked on me that I should why not go and do it and just make the video so we could see what happens if people will like it or not. Admittedly, I did this at the same time as the recordings for AL:WDAS+, so that can also explain how I overworked myself by simultaneously working on 2 projects and getting those done as soon as possible. However, the video itself should turn out pretty well and I hope it'll be a nice surprise for everyone next week.

- Created a new Adult Swim Interview video: This was honestly a last-minute video. The Adult Swim PR did contact me a while ago about this, but it wasn't until Thursday I got the message that the Interview was ready on that day and had to act quick to do my research on the guy and think up of some good questions to ask him. I won't immediately say who it is yet, but this is a guy who went from YouTube to no having his own show on Adult Swim, which is awesome for him and it was great having a chat with the guy. Since his series is premiering tomorrow, I decided to also put up the interview on that day to prepare for the debut. It was unexpected, but hard to say no to opportunities like that.

- REMINDER FOR PATRONS $25+/MONTH: I will have my first episode of the Super Secret Patreon Exclusive Q&A Show ready and released for Monday the 17th. If you have a question you'd like me to answer for the show, message me and mention that it's for the Secret Q&A Show.

- REMINDER FOR PATRONS $50+/MONTH: This month's Discord Chat will be happening on Thursday the 13th, and Sunday the 16th and both at 2pm EST. Let me know if you're not available for either so I'll organize a quick chat.

So that was my week of reminding me about the importance of taking care of myself while I'm working. Remember that you should also be doing the same thing to treat yourself well to keep moving forward with a happy life, especially in these crazy times. So take care of yourself, stay healthy, wear a mask and until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Lady Tyler Bio Rodriguez

Man what lousy luck having to do all the Open Season films. My condolences. On the plus side, Howard finally came out, hurrah!