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Hello Guys,

thank you so much for sticking with me for now, even though there has been a massive lack of artwork lately. I feel really bad for not posting regularly here and I want to sincerely apologize for the lack of uploads.

Besides my self doubt and lack of confidence, there is something really unpleasant going on, my personal life right now. Not only does it consume a lot of my time and energy, it also kinda fucks me up mentally.

Once things have finally calmed down I want to come back and draw much more than before. I also plan on opening commissions, not sure when exactly, hopefully in March. And I will still draw the poll winners Samus Bondage part 2 and Mitsuki.

If you think donating to me isn't worth it, I can totally understand that and I won't hold it against anyone who wants to stop doing so. Actually I would advise to just stop donating for now and wait till things are back to normal and I can upload regularly again.



I’m sorry to hear you’re going though a lot right now