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Hi guys, how are you, I just wanted to tell you that on Friday or Saturday I will be publishing the early access of Chapter 7 🎉, everything is almost ready, I'm just correcting some errors in the code and some images that have been badly rendered. Luckily we've been able to catch up with the release times 😊. I send you a hug.


Max Freeman

It's ALIVE! Glad you're organized now and all caught up. I was also contemplating how many chapters you make within the season cause now you're back on track, I can ask this?


Hi Max, I'm planning to finish this season the same way as the last one, at chapter 10, as the archives are getting too heavy. Hugs

Max Freeman

Thanks for that confirmation. but what do you mean by getting too heavy like are you referring to your new PC, you're gonna go hard (no pun intended) at least as much space it can hold.


No, I'm referring to the final weight of the Zip file to download the novel, currently at chapter 7 it has the same weight as the 10 chapters in season 1.

Max Freeman

Oh, you’re right about that though I tend to risk it, and nothing terrible happens to my PC.