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Hi guys, how are you? Well, I've already published the first part of the rework, I'm working on Chapter 6, the story is completely written and I've already sent it to the translator (now I'm waiting for him to finish the translation, so I can start making the images), I wanted to tell you that right now I'm writing Chapter 7,the idea of this is that when the translator gives me back Chapter 6 translated and he starts with the translation of Chapter 7, while he does the translation of Chapter 7, I will finish and publish Chapter 6, this way I plan to publish 1 chapter per month again.  I tell you that both stories (Nemerion and The Order) have become very interesting, I hope you like the direction that both stories took, I leave some images of Chapter 6 for you to see, well guys, do not hesitate to leave me your comments and suggestions that are always welcome, Hugs.



Ricky Perusse

its middle of Mar how it the second part of the update coming

John Perry

It's now April, what is happening?