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okay so life updates

FIRST OFF HAPPY NEW MOONTHHH Thank you to those who stay with me for yet another month! I'm so sorry last month ended kinda slow. My laptop was slowly dying until it finally passed away, JUST THE DAY I got the new one (which im still getting used to)- The bad news is that since it died, i lost all my archives there... I don't have a lot of wips but i do have stuff that I lost, so... that's a bummer. My mom is also struggling with health and waiting for a surgery, so it's been overall a difficult month. 

I'm very grateful you've all been so kind to me and so patient. My discord people have been truly kind in scolding me and telling me to take a break instead ijrgtmofkdsfjs I appreciate a lot the concern, but things should get better soon and again, thank you for your incredible support not only here but across my other platforms. I feel so loved and I'm so proud of us as a community



Emma Curr

Love you Novak! Hope your Mum is okay!! Take a break if you need to! Mwah!! Xx


This is super beautiful and ilthis is all I want tbh. Completely off topic: I now want to get my hair cut to look like Omi's. 🥰🥰😘