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I'm gonna work on the very nsfw result of this tomorrow for the top tiers wOOOO now im gonna pass out cause holy shit this is a lot of people and im so tired gjifokdasfdghf

Thank you top tier for the ideas you gave me <333333333  i can always count on you




I’m just now seeing this 🥲🥲but FUCK THIS IS HOT!


Honestly this comic made me see the progresses you’ve made in your art (/pos) and how what I thought was already immaculate art gets even better 🥹 the rendering is gorgeous I just kept zooming in on different parts like ❤️🫦❤️ 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 (yes I am barking FERALLY at the last panel ghshshs) so adorable Novak 🫶🫶 hope you’re feeling better soon pls drink water and have some soup if you can !!!