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Nobody is bullying me, to start with! Thank you for your concern but this isnt about anyone in specific. It's just a theme that's been repeating for too long and i always ignored cause i just wanted to be an art-producing machine bgjfds But turns out i have feelings. I know, shocking. And some type of comments do hurt my feelings, so i wanted to set a healthy boundary, I guess? Cause sadly im not a robot but a person behind the screen. I can ignore or laugh or mock people being (intentionally or not) mean on insta or twitter, but Patreon has always been my safe space and you know i've always prided myself in how cool we are. I want to keep it that way.

Now, I understand that when you first joined i did more characters and/or ships. I don't HAVE to explain the business side of things, but I'd like you to understand that the point of having a community is doing what the majority wants. I make an annoyinly amount of polls and check ins to make sure that my art is being guided by what *you* want and not necessarily what *I* want (though i sometimes cave, i know). And, as I've said, apart from the polls and check ins, I check the likes on the posts to see if you're into it or not. If the ship/character doesn't have enough likes or interaction, I do less of them. It's simple as that. There's not enough hours in the day for me to make mini comics and nsfw and wholesome content and sketches and rarepairs and popular ships with *MY* current art style. And please believe me, cause I've tried. 

I've honestly been thinking about how to fix this and make everyone happy for so long but i have no answers. Idk how the big artists thrive on two characters but it doesnt work for me, apparently?? So If you have solutions, i'm happy to read. I didn't think it was such an issue but if it is, again, I'm open to read your ideas on how to solve it and make patreon a better place for all of us



you are doing enough for us, and in my previous comment on the other post i say it again: i'm sorry. you have to set boundaries, but still the internet is a scary, dark place. and i think sometimes we all miscommunicate since english isnt always the first language of someone. we all have flaws and do mistakes, but communication is the key. and sometimes we tend to oversee boundaries, of others and our own, when its too late. i mean, you have your specific ppl you draw (msby5+dilf iwa as example + ocs) and if you would stuck to this theme - it would be your choice. i would support you still 20000%. being a people pleaser is hurtful to our own, and it sucks. i wish you can find a solution that makes YOU happy! i dont have any ideas for now. but speaking it up is a good and big step 💖


I think that you give us more than enough of a voice on the direction you go with your art. The methods you use to check in and mitigate what you will produce are probably as effective as it's going to get! We're incredibly spoiled by you and I can't never thank you enough! It's also important for you to always do things that YOU are inspired to do as well. It is YOUR art and nobody else's; you shouldn't feel like you need to put something on a poll if it doesn't inspire or interest you. If there is a super particular item someone wants, at that point it could fall into the area of a commission. Super specified art should always come with a price tag, you are business!! As an artist, business & person, you have every right to set boundaries; it is 100% YOUR ART, not ours. We are here because we enjoy your art. Yes you value your community's preferences but it's important that you also prioritize yourself & manage a workload that won't burn you out. Novak you are literally an absolute GEM & the best pledge I have EVER had on this platform.