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We have very different time zones, but I wanted to wish you a happy new year! CW: long post and probably me crying tbh

I just- wow. I won't say I didn't want this to happen, or that it wasn't a goal. But for most of the year, it felt like a dream. Like someday, maybe, I could live off art. So to be sitting here right now, writing this, feels so surreal. I'm still anxious, and the impostor syndrome wants to kick in sometimes, but seeing your comments, your likes, your presence here it's just so overwhelmingly real. I can't explain the adrenaline and pure damn happiness I feel. Cause art was always that. Just a dream, a hobbie, a side thing to do while I get a real degree to get an actual job. And some mean comments too, of course "Your daughter is always doodling on her notebooks instead of paying attention to class", "ew wtf why are you drawing gay dudes?", "why are you always drawing", "hahaha stop drawing dicks and go out", "nah it's not like she's working, she just draws dicks", "patreon is just a fluke, it'll pass" AJSDJAFJ 

well, maybe they were all true. But it's more than that, and being able to do art for all of you gave my life a whole new fucking meaning. I felt so dull, so empty, waking up just for waking up, going to classes i didn't care about, just to be who I'm supposed to be. But art? Fuck. I feel so much passion I feel giddy. It's so much fun, and so enfuriating and frustrating and I scream at pixels but then it's so motivating cause I wanna improve and tell better stories and make sexier content and waking up every morning is so fucking exciting. So, if I "just draw dicks", so what? I've never felt more alive and more me. Maybe that's kinda sad considering I'm already 25, but hey, it's never too late to find a new path, right? Fuck I hope so.

So thank you. I reached a point where everthing got confusing and life is pulling me in completely opposite directions, so still don't know what I'm gonna do with my life hahjsadjsjaf 2022 is DEFINITELY going to be a huge challenge for me. But whatever happens, I'll always treasure 2021 and everything and everyone it brought into my life. I got a taste of what living your dream and working on what makes you truly smile feels like, so now I'm craving for a life of it. I guess we'll see. But again, whatever happens, I'm grateful. None of this would have been possible without your HUGE support, your kind words, your encouraging, even those keysmashes or emojis. I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to bring more content and torture you with the ideas I get while I'm brushing my teeth, or the urges I get out of fucking nowhere. Thank you for being my dearest enablers and letting me do my thing, without judgements and for always being kind and supportive of eachother. It's seriously the best community I could've asked for, and you're all just so honest I truly feel safe here. Hope you feel it too. 

Even if you decide to leave, or you just can't keep supporting this patreon, you'll always have a special place in my heart. I'll do my best to keep bringing new content, studying to get better and listening to what you have to say. This is our space. This is for us. We created it. 

Thank you, and I hope you have the best 2022 ever. I know some of you are working right now, or away from your family, or having a rough time. Life sucks sometimes. So I hope this can be a little escape too, so you'll indulge in fantasy and hot men living better lives than us asdjshjdf. But seriously, I wish you all the absolute BEST. 

Happy new years eve, my dear patrons <3 See you in a few days, when I recover from the awful hangover I'll get AJDJAASDJF 

no but seriously I think i'll take tomorrow free anddddd then we're back to working on our favorite DILFs and their bible study with the team. God I could talk for HOURS about how this damn comic has made me so happy BUT I'VE WRITTEN ENOUGH. BYE. HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR. I LOVE YOU ALL. MWAH



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