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Next on my docket is Succubus Stories v0.15. This update is planned to include the following things:

  • New story content! I think I'll probably wrap up a few of the story branches, but don't expect the story to be complete for everyone.
  • New dates. I'm gonna focus on Rais. He always gets the short end of the stick and winds up getting cut, so this time, I'm only gonna focus on him and give him all my attention.
  • Debtor's prison! I want this system to be pretty expansive, so the focus for now is to make sure the entire system works and is playable, I'll add more content to it later.
  • New activities. I have a few new activities planned, most of which are fairly small, but one is more involved.

I expect Succubus Stories v0.16 to be the last version before we reach 1.0.0. Version 0.16 will finish up the debtor's prison, the story, and will also flesh out the "post-game." Version 1.0.0 will finish up any remaining romance content, add a few post-game requests, and add "new game plus" mode.

Version 1.0.0 is in some ways going to be the end of Succubus Stories, but in other ways the game will continue. I plan to support SS with outfits, new requests, and new activities for a few years. While Hex will become my focus after SS reaches v1.0.0, I don't think Hex is a total replacement for SS, they're different games with different focuses and different vibes.

And speaking of Hex. I have one more alpha update planned. This one will focus on adding some depth to servants and introducing the last couple of gameplay systems I want to have in the game. I'll also have some story content and a few other neat things! This will be the last "alpha" version of the game. Hex may not receive an update for a while after this, as I want the first non-alpha version of Hex to be massive and exciting, almost like a whole new game! But I'll keep you guys in the loop and up-to-date on everything I'm working on!


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