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As Meila's adjunct, Gemma was sworn to a solemn duty; to slay her beloved should she ever run out of magic. Meila, who had stained her own hands in her former teacher's blood, wanted to spare Meila this trauma, and snuck off without her when she conjured the firestorm she suspected would claim her life.

However, whether through cowardice or just bad luck, Meila didn't follow through when it mattered, and in the end she only compounded the suffering of her adjunct. With Meila's body missing, Gemma knows the worst possible outcome has become a reality, and so she searches the countryside for any sign of her lover's body, now possessed by a demon. She should have waited for an adjunct of her own to arrive from the guild before setting out, but that doesn't matter to her anymore.

Gemma isn't the only one searching for the witch Meila has become. Inquisitors have set their sights on a small village that seems to have come under the influence of the demonic. And the inquisitors will purge not just the demon, but all who have been touched by her influence. Unfortunately, nothing is worth the price of suffering this small village to exist now that it has been tainted.



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