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And I don't know if I could tell you why, exactly. I just think it's really interesting, and I love reading up on the various bugs in these relatively simple games. Almost every bug is like a neat little window into the ways some overworked Square programmer's brain worked (or didn't). Like using the weapon's index by accident instead of the crit rate.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. If you're looking for some bathroom reading material, here you go, lol.


List of bugs and glitches

Various bugs and glitches appear in the Final Fantasy series, referring to programming errors that result in behavior not intended by the programmers. Glitches can be harmless and only manifest as incorrectly displayed graphics, or they can be hazardous and game-breaking, effectively ruining the player's save file.



The original Final Fantasy has a bunch of bugs in it, but I don't think it holds a candle to the 6th entry. FF6's original release is so BROKEN it's amazing it even functions at all...