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I never explicitly promised May, I think I always said "spring or early summer," but I always hoped/planned to get the alpha into your hands before the end of May. That probably won't happen, though. I have most of the technical stuff sorted out, but there's just a lot of content I need to make, and while I think it's okay for that content to be somewhat rough given this is an alpha, I also don't want to release something that feels half-baked.

There is still a small chance I can get my shit together and get the alpha out in the next two weeks, but I think aiming for sometime in June is just a safer bet and makes more sense for me. Unfortunately, I do have some appointments and engagements in early June, so if I miss late May or the very first few days of June--which I think I will--the alpha won't be released until later in the month, so we're likely looking at a mid- or late-June release.

Note that the alpha will only be coming to patrons at this time. It will likely be released for free at some point, but I'm not sure when.



The Magical Gurl

Good luck. Dont stress yourself out, buddy.