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Combat in Hex will occur from a first-person perspective. The position and items in the player character's hands will change according to your actions, as will the color and shape of the magic, which will reflect the actual type of spell you are casting. Enemy HP and player HP and MP are hidden in this screen because they aren't complete yet (I'm just using numbers right now) but they will appear similar to the collapsible panels in the encounter UI.

Some basic animations and dynamic effects are also planned, such as characters "flinching" when hit, alongside color, filtering, and glowing effects to illustrate various things happening. Sound will also play an important role in the presentation, and I'm even making a lot of my own sounds because I can't find ones that fit my vision. I'm on the fence about including "barks" like combat voice-lines to accompany various events, but I'm not against doing that as well.

While Hex is an adult game about having as much hot sex as you possibly can first and foremost, I want to try to really nail the feel of combat. It will be turn-based, but I want it to be fast and feel active and engaging. I also want it to have a low skill floor with a high skill ceiling. Hex will reward you for absolutely destroying enemies, so while you can squeak by fine without paying too much attention if you're just in it for the lewd, flawless victories against enemies will grant extra rewards and progression, and will even impact the storyline. It's one thing to manage to defeat a powerful warrior, it's another thing to defeat him without taking a single point of damage, and other characters will react accordingly.

I plan to do a deep dive into Hex's combat system sometime in March, so I'll describe what I think makes it unique then, but for now, I just wanted to show off some images to show what Ecchi and I have been working on. I also want to share some spicy images with all of you soon too! Ecchi has already drawn and completed all kinds of hot CGs for the game!



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