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The bad news is that all of the wiki's data is lost.

You can see for yourself: https://outsiderartisan.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

I am really upset by this. I poured a lot of time into the wiki; almost all of its content was personally written by me. On one hand, I'm glad most of the content was mine, since that means most of you guys haven't wasted all your time. On the other hand, I am quite upset that all that work went to shit.

I do not have the time, energy, or emotional capacity to rewrite the entire wiki. I do not intend to rewrite anything at this point. If anyone else decides they want to contribute information, please feel free to do so; I will monitor the wiki and create back-ups to prevent something like this from happening again.

If no one wants to contribute, that's fine too. Miraheze does delete under-used or unused wikis at some point. I'll try to maybe add just enough content here and there to prevent that from happening, but I am honestly quite devastated by this and I can't imagine working on this wiki at all. I don't even want to visit the site ever again.

Anyhow, if you are interested in writing a long-form guide for the game, I am willing to pay for this to be done, so let me know. Message me here or on Discord with your rates. This is what I wanted to do initially, but I couldn't find anyone interested in doing it, but maybe someone will be interested now.


Lee Thompson

No backups? Did wayback machine archive any of it?


That really sucks but I totally understand where you are coming from. I would find it impossible to rewrite all that info. Thanks for letting us know!


Wayback Machince only archived the main page, but two users on the discord managed to get some content from google's archives, so a little bit of content was recovered.