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Just wanted to let you guys know that the update is complete, in case you were worried. I had to do a lot of content writing here in the final stretch. I think the update is almost completely bug free, at least in terms of the new gameplay systems, but I've had less time to go over the writing than I normally do (and I'm not normally known for perfect prose in the first place). All that is to say, there may be a higher than normal number of typos or grammar mistakes, so please report any you find once you've got your hands on it tomorrow (for patrons).

Right now, I'm gonna go over everything one last time, finish up some other changes, and make the preparations I need to for release. Thanks again for your patience! Also, I've released the changelog early. I actually always release the changelog early, but I figured I'd let you guys know in case you wanted a little sneak peek. Anyway, I'll release the update to the patron edition as early in the morning as I can tomorrow, so I'll see you then.


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