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I just want to let you guys know, I think I've been in denial, but it's at least somewhat likely the update could slip into early March. I'm hoping it will only be a few days into March, but it is what it is. There's a lot of story paths and building them out and testing all of them is just not something I'm able to rush through without sacrificing quality. Add on to that the new combat and relationship mechanics and there's just a lot of testing and polishing that needs to be done.

Part of the issue is just the scope of these story paths and some of the additions here. That said, it's not impossible I could get this out before the end of the month. I initially expected to be finishing up main content right about now and just doing polishing and texting ahead of a 2/25 or 2/26 release, but I'm still working on content. Realistically, I'll be lucky to be done with just the content phase by then.

I feel like I do this a lot. I'm sorry. I need to be more realistic about what I can accomplish in a given time frame. I initially said we'd get a mid-February release, but now we might not even get a late-February release. I do think the update will be worth it, and please rest assured that I'm pouring as much time as I can into it. I will try to be more realistic about future release windows, it's not fair to you guys that I consistently slip a week or two behind what I tell you almost every time. I will do better.

I hope that as I shift focus away from mod support and back toward finishing the game, that will help get us back onto a more consistent 6-8 week dev cycle, as I spent a lot of time in January on mod-related stuff, meaning this update got a late start anyway. This isn't the root problem, but mod tools and docs did take me longer than I expected, and I encountered more issues than I expected, too.

Anyhow, I'm gonna keep my head down and grind this fucker out, so I will not be posting as much here for the next week, other than the update preview, which I expect to release in the next few days. I'll nail down a specific release date in the preview. Talk more then.


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