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As a goal for hitting $500 per month, I promised to commission additional hand-drawn artwork for the game. I am currently talking to the artist and working out the details, but we have started the process. I expect the next update (v0.12) to release with some additional artwork, but we'll see what the turnaround time for the art winds up being.

I promised in the goal to double the amount of hand-drawn artwork. However, for now I'm focusing on increasing it by 24 CGs, which is not double, that'll take us from 36 to 60 total CGs. The additional 12 CGs will come at a later time in a separate commission. I'm thinking these 12 additional pieces will cover romance-specific CGs, but I want to add all the romance options to the game first before commissioning these pieces. So we will ultimately double the number of CGs, but not immediately, and I wanted to be upfront about that.

I'm not sure on an exact time table, or on how many pieces will be included in the next update, but I'll keep you up-to-date as we hash out a plan.

Thank you for your support! It's awesome we were able to hit this goal as quickly as we did.

I plan to add more goals in the future, but there isn't anything I want to add right this second, I just want to focus on getting mod tools, Rais' romance, and the story for chapter 4 done over the next two or three months.


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